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About Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH

Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH (RPLYT) is a mental health and peer support education and strategy firm. It is the dream child of Robyn Priest and Charlotte Armstrong (formerly Sytnyk). Its vision is “Every single person is truly heard and respected,” and its mission is “People are supported to gain the life of their dreams.” Robyn Priest’s role is the principal developer and trainer related to individuals with mental health.

Charlotte Armstrong brings the perspective of a family member who supports someone with a mental health challenge. This combination has provided great support networks wherever RPLYT has worked. Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH has gathered a team of experts who are called “the posse”, and all have lived experience as an individual who experiences mental health or addictions or family members of someone experiencing these issues. RPLYT is the world leader in peer support training both for individual peer workers and family peer workers.

What is “Lived Expertise”?

Lived Expertise is a person’s experience of mental health and the journey of recovery. It recognizes the unique insights, awareness and opportunities lived experience provides, and differentiates between the lived experiences that all people have and those uniquely informed by life-altering mental health challenges.

 Robyn Priest

Robyn Priest

The Co-creator and Chief Non-Conformist

Robyn is a straight-shooting Aussie who is known to be a nonconformist! They are the co-founder of Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH, mental health and peer support education and strategy firm.   

Their Post Graduate Diploma involved majoring in Social Research Methods, Public Policy and Health care. They have extensive experience working in business, government and non-profit organizations. Known as the Peer Support 'Guru', Robyn has been developing and training mental health and peer services for over 20 years and in ten different countries.

As part of an international team of consultants, they have completed the Mental Health Commission of Canada's "Making a Case for Peer Support - a report that recommended developing national guidelines for Peer Support programs. They are acknowledged as one of the premier experts on peer support internationally.

In 2016 they won the International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS) Lifetime International Achievement Award. Known as the horse whisperer for mental health advocates, they are a highly sought-after public speaker.

They signature strengths are authentically connecting with people, making fun and simplifying the message. Robyn's passion is helping people go from surviving to thriving.

Charlotte Sytnyk

Charlotte Armstrong (formerly Sytnyk)

The Co-creator and Mental Health Mom-ager 

Charlotte Armstrong, the co-creator of Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH (RPLYT),  brings a unique and compassionate perspective to the world of mental health support. With a background in solution-focused coaching and personal experience nurturing her resilient daughters, Charlotte is devoted to enhancing family well-being and family peer support. She passionately underscores the interconnectedness of family mental health—when one member faces challenges, the entire family feels the impact.

As a solution-focused coach, Charlotte works with parents of children struggling with mental health and addiction challenges. She supports, advocates and provides strategies for success and recovery. Charlotte talks about the parallel process in which one family member struggles, affecting everyone in the family. Her work in mental health is appreciated as she received the Heroes of Mental Health award by CMHA and hundreds of thanking families around the world.

Her education, coupled with her track record of helping families find the resources they need, has given her the street cred required to make a difference. 

Charlotte is the mental health momager and co-creator at Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH and believes wholeheartedly in Peer Support and its role in Mental Wellness.

Janelle Cancade-White
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
 Kirsten Drybrough
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
 Tyrone Gamble
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Jacob Kaurfman
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Laura Duncan
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Leslie McLeod
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Serge Valade
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Amy Tung
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.
Tim Koslo
  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.

If Letters Matter

  • Janelle Cancade-White
    The Creator Of Compassionate Conversations Janelle Cancade-White is proud to be Manitoba's first Board Certified Peer Support Provider with Peer Support Canada. She has been offering support to her peers for 10 years in official capacity and for her entire adult life unofficially. She is a mom of 2 young adults, one who lives with Autism, which provides her with an alternate perspective to invisible disability and Mental Health and Wellness. Janelle has lived experience with worry and anxiety herself, and has collected and practiced many helpful tools which aids in supporting others in their recovery journey with empathy, greater understanding and compassion. Janelle's education and experience with Mental Health Counselling techniques, Trauma Informed care, Suicide Intervention and LGBTQ+ Awareness informs her practice as a Peer Support Provider.

What Our Raving Fans Say

Great Team

"​​Awesome training!!! Awesome facilitators!!!"

The Posse Candid Photos

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